Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wishing Lauren Well

Our virtual party is nearly over, we hope that you have had a marvelous time.  Before we go our separate ways please add a comment with some love and well wishes for Lauren.

Time For Snacks!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Baby Word mbrmasecl

                       It's a baby word scramble!!


    Unscramble the words and leave your answers in the comments!!

1. tebolt
2. rodeomothh
3. gefined
4. oralfum
5. teatley
6. abby kwaler
7. toobies
8. soneesi
9. likm
10. abby hbat
11. herette
12. paired
13. abby gugby
14. dacler
15. uberrb cyukd
16. roletrslr
17. sinbates
18. ymmmo
19. unserry hemry
20. tyded reab
21. recipiaf
22. howser mages
23. yapnpel
24. lodl
25. natrmytie